The renoo mindfulness journal

When Meditation Can Sometimes Feel Like a Waste of Time

When Meditation Can Sometimes Feel Like a Waste of Time

Meditation can be a powerful ally when you’re feeling overwhelmed by too many responsibilities, but it’s important to acknowledge that it can feel counterintuitive—even scary—for some people. When your to-do list is a mile long, the idea of sitting still and doing “nothing” might seem like procrastinating. It's not.

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But WHY be mindful?

But WHY be mindful?

Many studies show that a regular mindfulness meditation practice leads to so many benefits. Here are a few (...). However, it is on an emotional level that I see the most benefits from living a mindful life. It is also the area where students tell me they experience the greatest and most noticeable changes.

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Mindfulness vs Meditation - Are They the Same or Different?

Mindfulness vs Meditation - Are They the Same or Different?

These days meditation has become all the rage. You would be hard-pressed to peruse the magazines at the supermarket without seeing someone espousing the benefits of mindfulness, at the very least. But aren’t those two terms the same - meditation and mindfulness? Not necessarily.

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Lotus flowers in Hue, Vietnam - photo by ray jolicoeur - renoo blog post March 2021.

A Breath Meditation for Beginners

Okay - you’re interested in meditation and have no clue where to begin? Welcome. Here we bring our attention to something that’s happening all the time but we don’t often focus on: the breath.

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